Songkran In Phuket At Naka Weekend Market

Mar 15, 2024 | Discover

Find out more about Songkran and how it's celebrated in Phuket.
Phuket's Naka Market Food

Phuket’s Songkran Festival

Songkran is right around the corner, and we love to celebrate it every year at Naka Weekend Market. April the 12th and 13th represent the Thai New Year, but not the traditional New Year you’re used to.

So what happens on Songkran in Phuket?

A Wet Songkran

As Songkran is celebrated during in an incredibly hot period in Thailand, you would think the heat would be a problm, but not in Songkran.

During the 12th, 13th, and this year, 14th, of April, Phuket turns into a water wonderland as the locals and tourists celebrate the New Year with a huge water fight.
Phuket’s main areas and streets become packed with revellers looking to see in the New Year and wash away all the negative energy from the year before. As the celebration has evolved each year, in the main tourist areas such as Phuket, this has mainly turned into one big water fight with water guns, buckets and even hoses.

Phueket Songkran - Naka Weekend Market

The Culture Of Songkran

Beneath the fun and excitement of the huge water fights across the country, main areas, including Phuket, retain the core values and essence of the Songkran celebration through various ceremonies and traditional rituals.

For the locals, it can become a time to make merit, turning Temples into bustling hubs of activities. It’s a time for devout Buddhists to make merit through acts of almsgiving and paying respect to other monks.

Besides the huge water fight, you’ll also see decorated parades in various parts of Thailand, with traditional Thai music and dance performances.

The Songkran Community

During this period, you will feel an overwhelming sense of community amongst the locals and visitors as it is a time of celebration, respect, forgiveness and reflection.

People from all walks of life will come together in celebration of Songkran, and enjoy the festivities. Strangers will become friends momentarily as they share water and smiles, with each other.

The Food Of Songkran

It’s impossible to have a celebration in Phuket without some delicious Thai food to accompany it and Songkran is no exception. You’ll get to experience many tasty dishes from throughout Thailand and Naka Weekend Market is the perfect place to try them all.

At Naka Weekend Market you can enjoy traditional Thailand delicacies, aromatic curries, spicy papaya salad, and lots of sweet treats.

Songkran At Naka Weekend Market

Naka Weekend Market is a great place to enjoy Songkran for all of the family, and we will have events throughout the weekend for you to enjoy. For more information, please keep an eye on our Events page.

See you next month!

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