How To Haggle In A Thailand Market

Apr 11, 2023 | Discover

Follow our quick and easy guide and learn how to haggle in Thailand markets.
Phuket's Naka Market Food

Want To Learn How To Haggle?

Haggling, or bargaining, are common practises in markets across Thailand, and Naka Weekend Market is no different. There are hundreds of different stalls to choose from when you come shopping, and you’re almost guaranteed to find something you want to take home. So how can you make sure you get the best price?

The most important thing to remember is that haggling is fun, and should always be with a smile on your face. You wouldn’t want to feel like you’re being cheated, and the seller certainly doesn’t want to feel like you’re accusing of price gauging.

It’s also worth noting that some prices will just be final, and often the case in Naka Weekend Market, the item you want to buy already has a great price. So don’t hesitate to snap up a bargain without trying to haggle.

So How Can I Haggle In A Thailand Market?

Try out these other handy tips if you’re looking for a challenge and a bit of fun when you go bargain-hunting at Naka Weekend Market. All it takes is a bit of research and knowledge to learn how to haggle in a Thailand market.

The Reggae shop at the Naka Weekend Market

Have A Good Look Around

Naka Weekend Market has so many stalls available, so having a good look around before you commit to purchasing anything can be a good idea. You’ll see many similar products in the various market stalls, and that could lead to you getting a better bargain. What might be normal price in one market stall could be on sale in the next.

Taking your time will also give you a better idea of what other tourists and locals pay for similar products you might want. Knowing this will help you know what type of price ranges that sellers will go for.

Don’t Be Too Eager

It’s a sellers dream to see a customer eagerly looking at items for sale on their stall, and often leads to them being less willing to give a discount. If you appear slightly more nonchalant as you shop, it may encourage a seller to be more willing to haggle a more attractive price with you.

Start Your Negotiations Low

It’s normal for the advertised price to include a bit of wiggle room, and in some cases this can be up to 50% higher than what they’d finally accept.

It’s good to have a price in your mind of what you’d be happy to pay and work around that. Keep the hagglig light hearted and with a smile on your face for the best results. It might not always work but it can be a bit of fun.

Welcome to the Naka Weekend Market

Combine Bulk Purchases For A Better Deal

You may see several items for sale in a stall that have caught your eye, giving you the perfect opportunity to haggle in bulk. Once you start putting 3+ items together, the price should be more favourable. You won’t struggle to find a stall in Naka Weekend Market selling a good range of products that you’d want to buy in bulk as there’s so many amazing stalls available.

If All Else Fails, Walk Away

It’s the oldest trick in the book, but if all else has failed in your negotiations and you’re not happy with the price, then just slowly walk away with a “Thank You” and a smile. No one wants to see their customer walk away empty-handed, and this might get you that discount you want.

Most Importantly, Enjoy Yourself

This is perhaps one of the best tips for haggling and getting a price when hitting the markets in Thailand. It’s a chance to meet new people and maybe pick up a few new phrases in Thai to use in the future. Keep the conversations simple and always have a smile on your face, you could end up with a lot more bargains than you thought you could!

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