How To Beat The Crowds At Naka Weekend Market

Jul 18, 2023 | Discover

Want to enjoy shopping and exploring without too many people? Follow these helpful tips.
Phuket's Naka Market Food

How Can You Avoid The Crowds

We get lots of new and old customers visiting us every week, but not everyone enjoys the hustle and bustle of a busy market and some customers want to miss the crowds. Naka Weekend Market is Phuket’s most famous market, so it’s understandable that most of the time we’re open, Naka Weekend Market is full of people!

There are a few times to visit though if you want to get around the market and enjoy yourself without having to navigate through the crowds.

Arrive early to miss the Naka Weekend Market crowds

Get There Early

Naka Weekend Market opens at 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday, which means if you get there early, you can beat the crowds and get the first shot at all the great bargains. You’ll get to enjoy the smell and taste of all of the freshly cooked street food and snacks we have to available, and that is something not to miss out on.

Depending on the time of year, the afternoon sun could be high in the sky and bearing down, so it’s advisable to dress appropriately in cooler clothes, or use it as an excuse to buy yourself a new outfit while you’re here.

Arrive late to miss the evening crowds at Naka Weekend Market

Get There Late

Arriving late is only advisable to anyone who is not a first-time visitor to Naka Weekend Market and one that knows the layout and position of the stores they want to visit.

Towards the end of the evening, the market will be a little more subdued. A great opportunity for anyone wanting to go from A to B quickly, and you may also be able to grab some of the last-minute deals the stalls put on offer.

Enjoy Yourself

We always advise that any visitor to Naka Weekend Market comes early and stays late so you can be sure to enjoy all of our shops, stalls, bars, nightlife and entertainment.

Enjoy the whole Naka Weekend Market experience. Join us this weekend.

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